Thursday, July 25, 2019

Water-conserving and drought-resistant artificial grass

200 gallons of water, that’s the maximum consumption an average American uses every day and 30% of this water is used outdoors. This equates to 60 gallons of water used outside by a single person, every single day. Multiply that by millions of people and you get an alarming estimated amount of water absorbed into the ground at 9 billion gallons. In Minnesota and other parts of the country, many residents even over-water their lawns. They end up watering sidewalks and pavements—all this while some states are experiencing drought.


What is drought?


What is Drought?

Drought is a weather-related phenomenon that comes second only to hurricanes in causing economic problems in the United States. It’s commonly known as a period of continuously unusually dry weather leading to damaged crops and shortage in water supplies. However, because dry conditions have different reasons for coming to be, droughts are also caused just the same.


According to David Miskus, a drought expert and meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center, "Drought is caused by not only lack of precipitation and high temperatures but by [overuse] and overpopulation.”


Two researching scientists in the ’80s published over a hundred definitions of drought in the journal “Water International.” They grouped drought into four basic categories: meteorological, hydrological, agricultural, and socioeconomic. The first three considered drought as a physical phenomenon, while the last one shows it as a supply-and-demand problem.


Meteorological drought affects regions. States like Georgia, North and South Carolina, and Florida are more likely to experience this kind of drought. This is because of their placement on the map. It’s no surprise that these states are where artificial grass is readily available and sold.


Agricultural drought considers the water needs of crops in their growing stages.


Hydrological drought is the persistent low water volumes in streams, rivers, and reservoirs. Human activities can worsen this type of drought.


Socioeconomic drought occurs when the demand for water exceeds the supply. This comes as a result of meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological droughts. Due to the already short supply that cannot reach the average human demand and consumption, the price of water can fluctuate as well.


A patch of 1000 square feet of natural grass lawn requires about 35,000 gallons of water every year. The Association of California Water Agencies, however, say that up to 60% of people over water their lawns. This leads to the usage of more than twice the expected requirement, at 75,000 gallons.


How does artificial grass help to steer clear of drought?


How does artificial grass help to steer clear of drought

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nearly one-third (1/3) of water used in households across the country is allotted to landscape irrigation or simply stated: watering lawns. This is the same lawn that needs to be weeded out, mowed, and taken care of.


See, the thing is, with artificial grass, you don’t need water! Artificial turf water use is substantially less than what’s needed for a natural lawn. It’s considered drought resistant because other than it saves water, its appearance doesn’t get affected by drought either. Because of technology, it’s possible to have a beautifully manicured lawn, now without the time, chemicals, and water needed for maintenance. Artificial grass doesn’t have to depend on the weather or climate in order to stay vibrant and look amazing.


Thousands of gallons of water per year can be saved by making the switch! Artificial grass, being made of plastic, does not cave into the dry spell. It remains as lush any day of the year, and it keeps your lawn beautiful no matter the circumstances. It doesn’t cost you astronomical water bills, either. Watering artificial grass doesn’t do much, except clean it. And that’s not even an everyday requirement.


It’s a cost-efficient, water-conserving, and drought-resistant package that requires little to no maintenance so you can stay inside on the driest of days. Conserve water, install artificial grass. It’s going to be one big win for your household and the environment!


What do states affected by drought do about it?


What do states affected by drought do about it


California and Texas, America’s most populated states, have been facing droughts. California started experiencing drought in 2014, and the government has shelled out an extra 2 billion dollars annually in response to drought conditions.


Water managers want to lessen water consumption. So California has taken other actions like price hikes for water in some parts of the state because of the drought. In an effort to lessen demand for water, parts of California like Orange County and the Monterey Peninsula, offer rebates. This is also done in most of the United States. These rebates are given to those who make the decision to forward water conservation through drought-resistant landscaping.


Installing artificial grass can entitle you to a rebate in selected areas. Just make sure to check your local government’s website for the requirements and how to avail of the rebate.


So, not only does artificial turf save up on water resources, but it also brings your weekends back, and keeps your yard looking great. You will also get a return on your money from the government for choosing eco-friendly solutions for your home.


Currently, only selected states are affected by drought, but due to global warming and climate change, things can get worse. The water scarcity could affect all the states in the future in some way. Over the past few years, water price has been rising—as much as six percent—for a single family’s annual consumption. This is because of supplies being slurped out and not being replenished fast enough to cater to the demand.


Other parts of the world allot more budget to areas where there is a drought in order to sustain the lives of their inhabitants. The effects of drought are felt worldwide, not just in the Northern American region. No matter how much we don’t want climate change, it is a reality that we’re going to have to live with for the next generations.


Other parts of the world allot more budget to areas where there is a drought in order to sustain the lives of their inhabitants. The effects of drought are felt worldwide, not just in the Northern American region. No matter how much we don’t want climate change, it is a reality that we’re going to have to live with for the next generations.


Temperate parts of the country like California coast will experience sharper weather changes. The whole state of California will have intense rainfall before extreme dryness, or weather whiplash. This is backed by scientific studies, more specifically, the Weather 2050 project.


So it’s time to act now.


We must change the way we live our lives in order to sustain the Earth’s life. Prioritize eco-friendly, sustainable products in your everyday choices. Make that change with MegaGrass.


The Dangers of Drought: Causes, Effects & Why We Should Avoid It

The National Geographic defines drought as an extended period of unusually dry weather when there is not enough rain. By “not enough”, it means that the rainfall in a given time period cannot provide for the needs of a given location. And rain is needed to grow crops, and provide for the area’s water supply.


As climate change interferes with regular weather systems, drought is bound to be a definite side effect. Scientific studies show that irregular systems in atmospheric circulation can interrupt with storm paths causing no rain for months at a time. Changes in wind patterns can also affect how much moisture remains in the soil.


In simple terms, climate change is causing unforeseen changes in weather patterns. These changes lead to a difference in the period of rainy days there are in a given time frame. For example, if we experience a week of rain in July this year, that could change to just five days in the next year due to climate change.


How does drought conditions affect people?

How does drought conditions affect people?


The absence of rain may lead to survival problems such as limited amounts of potable water and damage to plants. As we know, water is the basic necessity of human beings and other living things. And plants compose the lowest layer of the food chain. Without water nor plants, the food chain will crumble and man’s survival is bound to only last for a very short period of time.


Socio-economic issues such as hunger and necessary re-settlement of residence, among others, can also arise from drought-related events. If there becomes a low supply of water in an area, people will have no choice but to vacate (if they can) to a place with a better water source. (This is why in The Hunger Games, the first place a tribute looks to camp is near a river.)


Megadrought is not a transformer.


The Washington Post reports that “Megadroughts are sustained periods of sparse precipitation and significant loss of soil moisture that span generations, about 10 times as long as a normal three-year drought.” If you thought a three-year drought was bad, try thirty.


The current drought being experienced in the Southwest United States is not even comparable to what’s expected to come. In the later years of the century, a megadrought will be experienced throughout the region and the central Plains. This can possibly drive out people from those areas leading to an economic crisis.


In 35 years, if climate change continues at its current rate, the said areas will experience a shift in weather. That swing will last approximately three decades. During megadroughts, there will be harsh impacts on megacities, populations, and water availability. Lack of water can lead to so many health problems, not just famine, but also sanitation issues and pollution.


Cornell University, Columbia University, and NASA researchers forewarned major water shortages and problems that could lead to drying out vegetation. This, in turn, will lead to “monster” wildfires in southern Arizona and parts of California. These are all the results of climate change and its unnatural acceleration throughout the years.


Water Consumption

Water Consumption


An average American consumes a maximum of 200 gallons of water per day. Taking baths, flushing down the toilet, brushing teeth, cooking, and drinking all consume water. 30% of the daily consumption is used on outdoor activities, like cleaning the car, mowing the lawn, and gardening. This leads to the conclusion that 60 gallons of water are used outside by a single person, every single day. If we multiply that to the millions of people in the United States, we get more or less about 9 billion gallons of water.


Unwanted Water Consumption

Unwanted Water Consumption


Irrigation systems for lawns are problematic for having leaks. Installed underground sprinklers are turned on regularly and they go unnoticed when leaking. According to the EPA, an irrigation system with a leak of 1/32nd of an inch in diameter (about the thickness of a dime) can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month.


Let us clarify that, a hole with the thickness of a dime, not the diameter of a dime, can cause that much water to leak in a month! If 1 CCF (100 cubic feet / 748 gallons) of water in California costs $3.88, that would amount to at least $30 a month on a tiny leak. That’s how much water your irrigation system is wasting, and how much money you’re paying… for nothing.


The Environmental Protection Agency EPA finds that leaks “can waste more than 1 trillion gallons per year nationwide. That’s equal to the annual household use of more than 11 million homes.” These leaks go unnoticed because a few drops of water don’t seem like a big deal on the outset. However, counting millions of households with leaky pipes and faulty water sources, leaks cause an average of about 2.7 billion gallons. That’s 2.7 billion gallons of water wasted in the United States of America because of leakage and poor plumbing.


Water used on your lawn

Water used on your lawn


The EPA found that nearly one-third (1/3) of residential water consumption across the country is used in watering landscapes. That amount is used, more often than not, for lawns.


According to a NASA study, lawns in the United States, when clumped together, would take as much space as the New York state (not the city). The total land area would be about fifty thousand square miles of grass. If, in theory, we water lawns every day amounting to that big of an area, we would need an astronomical amount of water! Unfortunately, there are still a lot of households that regularly water their lawns daily. Thus, using a great quantity of water for the grass. Natural lawns aren’t good ideas for water conservation.


According to a NASA study, lawns in the United States, when clumped together, would take as much space as the New York state (not the city). The total land area would be about fifty thousand square miles of grass. If, in theory, we water lawns every day amounting to that big of an area, we would need an astronomical amount of water! Unfortunately, there are still a lot of households that regularly water their lawns daily. Thus, using a great quantity of water for the grass. Natural lawns aren’t good ideas for water conservation.


Switch to drought resistant, water-conserving, and convenient landscaping.


If you want a lush patch of green without the hassle and cost of maintenance, artificial grass is the way to go. Install artificial grass in your lawn. You don’t need to be watering artificial grass for it to stay gorgeous! Artificial turf water use is significantly lower than keeping a natural grass lawn. And if you’re in a certain county or state, some local governments give out rebates if you make the switch! It’s convenient for you, and it can help save the Earth, too!


Conserve water every day to keep the drought away!


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

MegaGrass vs Other Artificial Grass Companies

The Dream.


A white picket fence around a perfectly manicured yard. Beautiful and smart children in the home. A nice car or two. But that was before. Today, that dream has changed. More and more people are rethinking their goals and what the dream is all about


Despite this change, some things remain the same. In fact, the details of this ideal remain unchanged for most people. Today, people still think that a landscaped yard means success. This is because a well-kept lawn suggests that the homeowners have the means to support such luxury. Pristine lawns, in a way, highlight a home’s status in a community. It’s an indicator of social and economic character.


At present, a fairly large industry exists around lawn care. This market is slowly being explored by a lot of landscape companies.


One of these growing industries is the fake grass turf industry. This market is driven by rising demands for low maintenance grass used for sporting events and more. One important factor for this demand is water conservation, which is a welcome change given our planet’s current conditions.


Unlike in old times, the lawns of today are no longer markers of success. The introduction of fake grass to the world gave people more landscape options. In the past, only the more affluent people could afford to have pretty lawns. Now, all it takes is a call to a contractor and you can have your own lawn ready in no time.


Who is MegaGrass?

Who is MegaGrass


And who better to cater to your sensitive landscaping needs than a company like MegaGrass? MegaGrass is an industry-leading provider of eco-friendly landscaping solutions. Here at MegaGrass, we provide artificial grass products that fit a wide range of lifestyles.


We’ve been rolling out artificial grass innovations for more than a decade, and we’re more than happy to bend to your needs.


Fake turf with higher melting points? Check.


Weatherproof and waterproof grass varieties that withstand season changes? Check.


High-draining grass lawns for puppies big and small? Check.


But we don’t just manufacture and distribute guilt-free landscaping products, we also make sure that our clients have easy access to them through 11 locations all over the United States.


MegaGrass is part of the EcoGreen America family. EcoGreen America is artificial grass and hedge company headquartered in Las Vegas. Much like MegaGrass, EcoGreen America is devoted to producing the highest quality, eco-friendly grass products for better landscaping solutions.


Our company was founded in 2009 and was motivated by the valiant search for beautiful and sustainable grass alternatives in the deserts of Nevada. Along with our company’s creation was the creation of the Stip Blade - a delustered synthetic grass blade that diffuses light withstands traffic, and keeps surface temperatures at tolerable levels.


As a company, we strive to make a difference in humanity’s carbon footprint. Our terminal goal is 360 sustainability, and we do so while making sure we enrich your life.


Artificial Grass Offerings

Artificial Grass Offerings


Currently, MegaGrass offers 6 grass collections that fit all sorts of lifestyles and needs. They are conveniently categorized into the following:




Easy to maintain and will pay for itself in time--that’s what you can expect from the MegaLawn collection. This artificial lawn is best for homeowners who use a big part of their monthly expenses for natural lawn care. With a more sustainable option available, home maintenance will now be more cost efficient for the household.




The MegaPorch collection is best known for being more long lasting compared to other deck surfaces. As beautiful as it is convenient, this artificial porch turf is perfect for making homes more appealing to guests. It may also be used to cover up bad spots on your deck so the area looks perfect at all times.




Passionate pet owners are more than happy to spend time and money on their fur babies. So we’re pretty sure skimping on a decent play and potty area is not an option for these “pawrents”. The MegaPet artificial grass for dogs collection caters to the sensitive needs of animals of all breed sizes. These grass lawns are easy to clean, well-draining, and they also stay looking great despite all the pet traffic.




You don’t have to be a pro to deserve a beautiful putting green. Step up your golf game with the MegaGolf collection. Engineered to aid play improvement, this fake putting grass can efficiently better your short game and easily take strokes off your score.




Play areas aren’t always constructed with safety in mind. True, a small accident here and there might seem like a learning experience for kids. But teachable moments don’t have to hurt that much right? That is where the MegaPlay playground turf collection comes in. It is the best alternative to hard floor beds found in traditional playgrounds. It is not only designed to be durable, it also provides a cushion, so kids can get away from accidents with only minor scratches or maybe even none.




For superior turf traction and efficient force reduction on the off chance of an injury, MegaSport is your grass. The MegaSport collection is designed to optimize sports performance, improve balance, and increase coordination. The blades of this artificial sports turf allow a level playing surface perfect for agility training.


Artificial Grass Technology

Artificial Grass Technology


At a glance, artificial grass lawns seem so simple and basic. What people don’t know is that a lot of research goes into every individual blade to guarantee quality and provide features unique to the brand. Below we highlight some of the innovations we have incorporated into our products:




You want your artificial turf to be a healthy color of green, not too bright and not too dull. The EverGreen technology makes sure that the blades of the turf will blend with the thatching for a more natural looking shade. With this tech at hand, your grass can look fresher for longer.




If you’re using your grass as a potty for your beloved pets, then drainage is very important. The EverFlow technology greatly improves the drainage of every fake grass panel on your lawn. This will significantly cut down your cleanup time, so you can have more cuddle time with your babies.




The truth about fake turf is that unlike natural grass, it can get relatively warm or hot depending on the weather. And since it is made of plastic, there is a chance that it will melt under extreme temperatures--but not with EverCool. The EverCool technology significantly keeps turf cooler than regular fake grass. Now you can enjoy your time on your lawn better for longer.




Nobody wants a lawn that smells. With EverFresh you can keep you turf smelling like freshly cut natural grass. Welcome every day with a scent that reminds you of how wonderful it is to spend time outdoors--even when outdoors mean you’re just sitting on your lawn.


Artificial Grass Cost Comparison 

Here we discuss some of the choices you have when it comes to fake grass. From cheap to premium, we want to help you find the products that best fit your needs.


Area: Your Lawn

Your Choices:

The Cheap: Shaddock Fishing

Sells at $3.45 per square feet through Amazon.

The Sensible: LITA

Sells at $10.07 per square feet through Amazon.

The Costly: UltraHedge

Sells at $32.09 per square feet through Amazon.

Bonus: MegaLawn Platinum

Sells at $32.09 per square feet through Amazon.

MegaLawn Platinum is lead-free, toxin-free, and weatherproof.


Area: Your Pet Runs/Pet Potty

Your Choices:

The Cheap: Zen Garden

Sells at $3.21 per square feet through Amazon.

The Sensible: Green Label Turf

Sells at $4.89 per square feet through Amazon.

The Costly: Fas Home

Sells at $20.81 per square feet through Amazon.

Bonus: MegaPet Platinum

Sells at $3.44 per square feet through

MegaPet Platinum drains well and has crafted blades for more function


Area: Your Golf Space

Your Choices:

The Cheap: UltraHedge

Sells at $1.20 per square feet through Amazon.

The Sensible: MegaGrass

Sells at $30.95 per square feet through Amazon.

The Costly: Pet Grow

Sells at $32.61 per square feet through Amazon

Bonus: MegaGolf Platinum

Sells at $2.47 per square feet through

MegaGolf Platinum is best for putting greens and courses. It is tested to control green speed.


Area: Your Sport Areas

Your Choices:

The Cheap: Sun Villa

Sells at $2.30 per square feet through Amazon.

The Sensible: MegaGrass

Sells at $4.45 per square feet through Amazon.

The Costly: UltraHedge

Sells at $32.09 per square feet through Amazon.

Bonus: MegaPet Platinum

Sells at $2.73 per square feet through

MegaSports Platinum is built with t and c shaped blades. The blades spring back up no matter how much they are trampled on.


You have a lot of other choices aside from the ones above. The specs vary from one turf supplier to another. Price gaps depend on the tech added into the blades, backings, drainage, and more. The better the features, the higher the price tag. There are also other brands on the market that you can check out, and we have named some of them below:






Synthetics Grass Warehouse


You don’t have to settle for low-quality turf with a small budget. With proper research, you can find quality fake turf at good prices. For instance, with MegaPlay Platinum you can cover play areas at $4.63 per square foot. This grass has extra cushions and shock pads. It’s perfect for playgrounds and best used by people with joint issues.


Artificial Grass Warranty

Here at MegaGrass, we proudly offer a competitive 25-year lush-life guarantee for all our clients. As proof of our confidence in our product, we make sure that our customers have access to premium warranty services. We believe in taking care of our clientele, and we do our best to deliver on that promise.


Customer Support

Got questions on a product? Want to learn more about your shipping status? Get in touch with our team to get answers. You may contact us via phone, email, or through our website where you can chat with one of our customer service associates.


Direct to Customer Benefits

Whenever you order a product from a reseller, there are mandatory fees that are included in the cost. When you order directly from MegaGrass, you get rid of all those fees because there will be no need to pay these “middlemen” for their service. As a company that is proud of our 11 accessible locations in the United States, we are happy to say that with you making a direct purchase from us, you’re actually saving money you can spend on other accessories for your landscaping project!


The MegaGrass Difference

MegaGrass Difference


Higher prices don’t always mean quality. They might, but like any other rule, there is an exception. Research on the different types of fake grass. Check out samples. Take time to read reviews. These are just some of the ways you can check which product best fits your needs and budget.


But if you’re looking for a feature that stands out from the rest, then MegaGrass is the company to call. What makes us different from other grass companies is our ability to provide custom cut turf sizes for your particular needs. While most turf companies only sell grass by 15’ widths, we cut according to the demands of your landscaping project to minimize losses when trimming turf.


If you have a very particular set of requirements, requirements you have acquired over the years while tied down to your high-maintenance natural lawn, you’ll be pleased to know that we got you covered.


Gone are the days when people’s lawns reflected their status in life. Nowadays, any home can get a similar experience with the help of artificial grass. These people are also changing their ways into an earth-friendly one.


Buying smart is better than just shopping for items with the highest prices. Remember, an item that is costly isn’t always high-quality. There are makers like MegaGrass who don’t only focus on sales. We at MegaGrass try hard to provide eco-friendly solutions to people who love our products. In a world where companies are all about sales, we chose to be kinder to the planet.


We support sustainability and believe that we can do better. One of our goals is to educate people about fake grass and how it helps improve the quality of their lives.


This survey not only aims to list down prices of grass products. It also aims to inform people that in their choices there is power. Being mindful of your choices is good for your homes. These choices are even better for the planet as a whole.


Here at MegaGrass we try to make a difference in the world however we can. We’d love for you to join this movement. To know more about our vision and how we wish to accomplish them, you may visit us at
