Friday, April 26, 2019

For the Innocent Porch-aser: Porch Case Studies For Your Reference

No more poor un-porch-unate souls. 

A good relationship between designers and their clients is a must to be able to achieve a design perfect for their demands and needs. Considering the views and values of the client is a key element in reaching the goal--which is to deliver the desired results based on the client’s liking and taste. Special emphasis is given to involving the clients as much as possible and making sure that they are part of the whole process--from conceptualization to turnover.


The MegaPorch Collection from MegaGrass is a great product to use in applying some of the highlighted concepts found on this list. We enumerate our top 3, with a link for more downloadable samples at the bottom of this page.


Case Study One: Loose Lattice Design


Case Study One: Loose Lattice Design


This specific landscaping project leans toward the minimalist spectrum. The look is achieved by creating a loose lattice layout of synthetic grass that draws attention away from the cold and hard floor. The synthetic grass accents lay continuously in straight lines providing a solid framework--despite cuts where there are other elements present--like the border of the pool area as shown. Even with multiple corners and straight lines, the artificial grass is able to make the hard points appear softer with its visible textured look, thanks to its blades’ varying colors.


The effect is further amplified by the hovering shadow from a tighter lattice work on the outdoor ceiling. The harsh white lines of the window frames and the geometrical stone tiles are cushioned by the visible lush of the synthetic grass. Because of the neutral colors of the general space, the green color is able to pop out more, which gives the place a more welcoming glow. The artificial grass colors show differently in sections under the shadows which creates an illusion of varying types of grass. This provides a more realistic look with the blade reflections toned down. Every aspect of this project is made possible by the seamless transition of synthetic grass to the tiled floor.


This accent is perfect for spacious areas so they wouldn’t look empty!


Case Study Two: Good Ol’ Tipi Fun


 Case Study Two: Good Ol' Tipi Fun


Despite this project having only 2 notable elements (the Tipi and the green synthetic grass), it is able to display a sense of completeness, a vibe that suggests that there is no need for any other additions or improvements to consider it done. It’s bold, it’s daring, it screams uniqueness wherever you look. The high contrast of the colors used in the Tipi draws a lot of attention to the details. The off-white cloth used is further highlighted by the reds and blacks used while still keeping the tone neutral with the color of the wooden base. A hint of green in the circles just close to the base of the Tipi guides the transition of the color from the Tipi to the artificial grass.


The synthetic grass used is deeply colored to balance the heat provided by the reds found on the Tipi. It displays a graceful transition of temperature which will keep onlookers alert while still managing to stay relaxed due to the even play of hues. The wide space makes it suitable for entertaining guests, while the Tipi can either be a very eye-catching backdrop or the highlight of the show. Not only is this setup thought-provoking and aesthetically pleasing, it’s also a great conversation starter. Quality turf is a must to achieve this look, because anything subpar will make any imperfections pop out.


Imagine having an indoor version of this in your own home or office, too! You can take a nap inside the tipi and hide from the world.


Case Study Three: All Lines and Curves


Case Study Three: All Lines and Curves


To give any space a memorable impact, using contrasting elements should be a priority. This basic design principle, when used properly, adds a huge dose of visual interest while simultaneously merging the look together. Contrast might even be considered essential to a successful design by many. Take this project for example. Not a lot of extras in this space but anyone would have issues looking away because the sight is just too striking to ignore. So how does a design so seemingly plain have the power to catch and hold people’s gaze? Simple, it uses the power of contrast.


See how from one corner to another the whole picture is riddled with contrasting lines and curves. The pool area has cold and hard borders with a circular jacuzzi at the far corner. The artificial grass also showcases a good mix of straight lines with very subtle curves and slopes. Even the corners of the grass patch are soft and rounded. Clearly, the goal of this design is not to draw you to a single element, but to wow you with an overall beauty achieved with minor --yet very smart tricks that involve premium quality grass.


Being able to deliver results to customers takes more than just coming up with a simple brief and following what’s written there. Successful landscaping projects require a certain level of organization. They should always be strategically sound before execution.


To learn more about MegaGrass and our MegaPorch collection, click here.


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