Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Have a Field Day at Home: 5 Quick Indoor Picnic Ideas For Right Now

What do you do when the outdoors start looking good but the weather’s still not as friendly as you’d like? Simple, you have your parties indoors! Small parties and picnics, no matter how much more fun they are held outdoors, can also work inside your homes.


Especially in cases where the weather isn’t cooperating, a simple indoor get together is the best way to wrap up the holidays and welcome Spring. Check out the following indoor picnic ideas you can use for your next gathering.


1. (Not so) Traditional


Not so Traditional | Cutest Indoor Picnics


You’ve got the drinks, you’ve got the food, you’ve got everyone special in your life around you. Everything’s pretty much the same except, you’re all having fun at home! Imagine how much more convenient that is. Make the experience feel even more authentic by placing your picnic spread right on top of grass.


We recommend you try the MegaLawn collection from MegaGrass. Synthetic grass is so much easier to clean than natural grass, so any after-party mess can easily be hosed down. 


2. Dimly Lit


Dimly Lit | Cutest Indoor Picnics


Tone down the noise and turn your picnic into a mellow get-together. Use low hanging, soft lights to give your space a warm glow. Complete the idea with comfort food and lots of throw pillows. Keep the food choices simple and focus on relaxation and chilling with your family or friends.


3. Cozy and Cheesy


Cozy and Cheesey | Cutest Indoor Picnics


The most successful picnics are usually the simplest ones. With only the basic aspects to cover, you and your guests can spend more time enjoying the event instead of hustling to get things done. This simple set up is elegant but every bit as inviting. It’s cozy and best of all, it’s got cheese!


Decorate near a window so natural light can still come in for a more genuine experience. Create a simple spread and make your food the center of the picnic. Serve some awesome pecan pie and share the love with everyone.


4. Blanketfort


Blanketfort | Cutest Indoor Picnics


Picnics are enjoyed both by young ones and the young once. Make a fort out of blankets and play some relaxing music. This setup doesn’t have to exclusively be for romantic dates alone, this is actually a great way to encourage kids to join in on the fun. Further enhance the mood by lighting aromatic candles so everyone can relax and focus on destressing.


5. Young and Colorful


Young and colorful |Cutest Indoor Picnics


Who wouldn’t want a colorful picnic in the middle of what’s normally a boring space inside their homes? Throw in some popcorn, some sweets, and some ice-cold beverage and it’ll be like you weren’t even indoors at all. The more colorful the decors, the better. Make them bright, youthful, and bursting with energy. Don’t be afraid to play around, mix and match until you find the perfect color scheme that screams festivities.


Transition periods don’t have to be so tedious. Maybe Spring isn’t here just yet, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying what remains of the holiday season. So adjust and enjoy the indoors for now while you prepare for Spring. By then, you’ll be a picnic guru that everyone will be secretly wishing for an invite from you.

source https://megagrass.com/blogs/news/quick-indoor-picnic-ideas

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