Friday, April 26, 2019

Touchy Feely: How to Make a DIY Multisensory Board for Children

Not all kids learn at the same pace. Some learn quicker than others, while some require additional stimulants to retain information. It is a sad truth, nevertheless, it is always a good thing when a child’s special needs are found early. This way, they can be taught using a method that best fits their learning style. For a lot of children, one of the most effective methods is multisensory teaching. 


What is Multisensory Teaching?

Multisensory teaching is used for children with learning differences. Kids who have shown difficulties in learning how to read benefit most from this method. As the name implies, this strategy involves stimulating learning by engaging the students’ senses on multiple levels.


This method encourages kids to use logic and utilize their problem-solving skills to accomplish specific tasks. Most multisensory teaching techniques use either sight or hearing to tap into a child’s potential; the ultimate goal is to help the brain develop tactile memories to hang onto for later application in life.


The Importance of a Multisensory Board

A multisensory board triggers visual reasoning and learning. With the use of texts, pictures, posters, models, flash cards, and other stimulants, a child’s abilities are honed and the unique experience latches onto them.


Multisensory techniques using the sense of touch are called tactile methods. This method aims to improve the child’s fine motor skills and it usually involves the use of textured objects—sand, stones, tiles—just make sure you have a variation surfaces so that the child can learn the different kinds.


Making this multisensory (tactile) board is easy! Just follow the steps we’ve laid out for you!


The must-haves include:


  • A sturdy wooden board

  • Clips or glue or tape (for attaching items)

  • Electric screwdriver (to cut down on your workload)

  • 20-30 minutes of your time


The process starts with creating a layout for all the items you will be using. Gather objects of different sizes and textures, then cut out the boards into uniform sizes. Attach or hang (depending on type) them to the board and secure them using clips, glue, or screws. Make sure they are securely fastened and won’t fall over.


You can use anything for the board!


But here are a few suggestions that we have in mind:


  • Wood slats

  • Gravel

  • Felt

  • Rubber

  • Cloth from an old shirt

  • Paper

  • Canvass and

  • Artificial grass (make sure they’re toxin-free like MegaGrass’ products!) 


This board may also be used by toddlers for sensory development.


Multisensory boards are a great way to aid your kids’ learning and development. It’s very easy to make, and the benefits are truly valuable. Regardless of the reason you need to make one, know that in the end, your efforts will always be appreciated and learned from.


All you got to do is be there for your child and provide all the support you possibly can. This might be a simple thing to give your child, but it helps more than you know.


Exert Effort. Empower.


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